§ 7362. Purpose of corporations

(a) Any corporation established under this subchapter shall be established solely to facilitate research as described in section 7303 (a) of this title and education and training as described in sections 7302, 7471, 8154, and 1701 (6)(B) [1] of this title in conjunction with the applicable Department medical center. Any funds received by the Secretary for the conduct of research or education at the medical center other than funds appropriated to the Department may be transferred to and administered by the corporation for these purposes.
(b) For purposes of this section, the term “education and training” means the following:
(1) In the case of employees of the Veterans Health Administration, such term means work-related instruction or other learning experiences to—
(A) improve performance of current duties;
(B) assist employees in maintaining or gaining specialized proficiencies; and
(C) expand understanding of advances and changes in patient care, technology, and health care administration.
Such term includes (in the case of such employees) education and training conducted as part of a residency or other program designed to prepare an individual for an occupation or profession.
(2) In the case of veterans under the care of the Veterans Health Administration, such term means instruction or other learning experiences related to improving and maintaining the health of veterans to patients and to the families and guardians of patients.

[1] See References in Text note below.