§ 3693. Compliance surveys

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary shall conduct an annual compliance survey of each institution offering one or more courses approved for the enrollment of eligible veterans or persons if at least 300 veterans or persons are enrolled in such course or courses under provisions of this title or if any such course does not lead to a standard college degree. Such compliance survey shall be designed to ensure that the institution and approved courses are in compliance with all applicable provisions of chapters 30 through 36 of this title. The Secretary shall assign at least one education compliance specialist to work on compliance surveys in any year for each 40 compliance surveys required to be made under this section for such year.
(b) The Secretary may waive the requirement in subsection (a) of this section for an annual compliance survey with respect to an institution if the Secretary determines, based on the institution’s demonstrated record of compliance with all the applicable provisions of chapters 30 through 36 of this title, that the waiver would be appropriate and in the best interest of the United States Government.