§ 2023. Referral and counseling services: veterans at risk of homelessness who are transitioning from certain institutions

(a) Program Authority.— The Secretary and the Secretary of Labor (hereinafter in this section referred to as the “Secretaries”) shall carry out a program of referral and counseling services to eligible veterans with respect to benefits and services available to such veterans under this title and under State law.
(b) Location of Program.— The program shall be carried out in at least 12 locations. One location shall be a penal institution under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Prisons.
(c) Scope of Program.—
(1) To the extent practicable, the program shall provide both referral and counseling services, and in the case of counseling services, shall include counseling with respect to job training and placement (including job readiness), housing, health care, and other benefits to assist the eligible veteran in the transition from institutional living.
(A) To the extent that referral or counseling services are provided at a location under the program, referral services shall be provided in person during such period of time that the Secretaries may specify that precedes the date of release or discharge of the eligible veteran, and counseling services shall be furnished after such date.
(B) The Secretaries may, as part of the program, furnish to officials of penal institutions outreach information with respect to referral and counseling services for presentation to veterans in the custody of such officials during the 18-month period that precedes such date of release or discharge.
(3) The Secretaries may enter into contracts to carry out the referral and counseling services required under the program with entities or organizations that meet such requirements as the Secretaries may establish.
(4) In developing the program, the Secretaries shall consult with officials of the Bureau of Prisons, officials of penal institutions of States and political subdivisions of States, and such other officials as the Secretaries determine appropriate.
(d) Duration.— The authority of the Secretaries to provide referral and counseling services under the demonstration program shall cease on September 30, 2012.
(e) Definition.— In this section, the term “eligible veteran” means a veteran who—
(1) is a resident of a penal institution or an institution that provides long-term care for mental illness; and
(2) is at risk for homelessness absent referral and counseling services provided under the demonstration program (as determined under guidelines established by the Secretaries).