§ 40729. Reservation of firearms, ammunition, and parts

(a) Reservation.— The Secretary of the Army shall reserve for the corporation—
(1) firearms described in section 40728 (a) of this title;
(2) ammunition for firearms described in 40728(a) of this title;
(3) M–16 rifles held by the Department of the Army on February 10, 1996, and used to support the small-arms firing school; and
(4) parts from, and other supplies for, surplus caliber .30 and caliber .22 rimfire rifles.
(b) Exception.— This section does not supersede the authority provided in section 1208 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101–189; 10 U.S.C. 372 note ).