§ 2038. Exemptions (Rule 38)

Any vessel or class of vessels, the keel of which is laid or which is at a corresponding stage of construction before December 24, 1980, provided that she complies with the requirements of—
(a) Chapter 3 of this title for vessels navigating the waters subject to that chapter;
(b) Chapter 5 of this title for vessels navigating the waters subject to that chapter;
(c) Chapter 4 of this title for vessels navigating the waters subject to that chapter; or
(d) Sections 3, 4, and 5 of the Act of April 25, 1940 (54 Stat. 163), as amended (46 U.S.C. 526b, c, and d) for motorboats navigating the waters subject to that statute; shall be exempted from compliance with the technical Annexes to these Rules as follows:
(i) the installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22, until 4 years after the effective date of these Rules, except that vessels of less than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt;
(ii) the installation of lights with color specifications as prescribed in Annex I to these Rules, until 4 years after the effective date of these Rules, except that vessels of less than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt;
(iii) the repositioning of lights as a result of conversion to metric units and rounding off measurement figures, are permanently exempt; and
(iv) the horizontal repositioning of masthead lights prescribed by Annex I to these Rules:
(1) on vessels of less than 150 meters in length, permanent exemption.
(2) on vessels of 150 meters or more in length, until 9 years after the effective date of these Rules.
(v) the restructuring or repositioning of all lights to meet the prescriptions of Annex I to these Rules, until 9 years after the effective date of these Rules;
(vi) power-driven vessels of 12 meters or more but less than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt from the provisions of Rule 23 (a)(i) and 23 (a)(iv) provided that, in place of these lights, the vessel exhibits a white light aft visible all round the horizon; and
(vii) the requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed in Annex III to these Rules, until 9 years after the effective date of these Rules.