§ 1516. Exemptions

An official designated in section 1513 of this title to make apportionments may exempt from apportionment—
(1) a trust fund or working fund if an expenditure from the fund has no significant effect on the financial operations of the United States Government;
(2) a working capital fund or a revolving fund established for intragovernmental operations;
(3) receipts from industrial and power operations available under law; and
(4) appropriations made specifically for—
(A) interest on, or retirement of, the public debt;
(B) payment of claims, judgments, refunds, and drawbacks;
(C) items the President decides are of a confidential nature;
(D) payment under a law requiring payment of the total amount of the appropriation to a designated payee; and
(E) grants to the States under the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.).