§ 1423. Records, audits, and public disclosure
Records and audits
Each licensee and permittee shall keep such records, consistent with standard accounting principles, as the Administrator shall by regulation prescribe. Such records shall include information which will fully disclose expenditures for exploration and commercial recovery, including processing, of hard mineral resources, and such other information as will facilitate an effective audit of such expenditures.
The Administrator and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access, for purposes of audit and examination, to any books, documents, papers, and records of licensees and permittees which are necessary and directly pertinent to verify the expenditures referred to in paragraph (1).
Submission of data and information
Each licensee and permittee shall be required to submit to the Administrator such data or other information as the Administrator may reasonably need for purposes of making determinations with respect to the issuance, revocation, modification, or suspension of any license or permit; compliance with the reporting requirement contained in section
1469 [1] of this title; and evaluation of the exploration or commercial recovery activities conducted by the licensee or permittee.
Public disclosure
Copies of any document, report, communication, or other record maintained or received by the Administrator containing data or information required under this subchapter shall be made available to any person upon any request which
is made in accordance with rules adopted by the Administrator stating the time, place, fees (if any, not to exceed the direct cost of the services rendered), and procedures to be followed, except that neither the Administrator nor any other officer or employee of the United States may disclose any data or information knowingly and willingly required under this subchapter the disclosure of which is prohibited by section
1905 of title
18. Any officer or employee of the United States who discloses data or information in violation of this subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in section
(b) of this title.
[1] See References in Text note below.