§ 563a. Working capital fund; comprehensive program of centralized services
There is appropriated for expenses necessary during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and each fiscal year thereafter, for the maintenance and operation of a comprehensive program of centralized services which the Secretary of Labor may prescribe and deem appropriate and advantageous to provide on a reimbursable basis under the provisions of sections
1535 and
1536 of title
31 (subject to prior notice to OMB) in the national office and field: Provided, That such fund shall be reimbursed in advance from funds available to agencies, bureaus, and offices for which such centralized services are performed at rates which will return in full cost of operations including services obtained through cooperative administrative services units under sections
1535 and
1536 of title
31, including reserves for accrued annual leave, worker’s compensation, depreciation of capitalized equipment, and amortization of ADP software and systems (either acquired or donated): Provided further, That funds received for services rendered to any entity or person for use of Departmental facilities, including associated utilities and security services, shall be credited to and merged with this fund.