§ 7654. Coordination of United States and certain possession individual income taxes

(a) General rule
The net collection of taxes imposed by chapter 1 for each taxable year with respect to an individual to whom section 931 or 932 (c) applies shall be covered into the Treasury of the specified possession of which such individual is a bona fide resident.
(b) Definition and special rule
For purposes of this section—
(1) Net collections
In determining net collections for a taxable year, an appropriate adjustment shall be made for credits allowed against the tax liability and refunds made of income taxes for the taxable year.
(2) Specified possession
The term “specified possession” means Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands.
(c) Transfers
The transfers of funds between the United States and any specified possession required by this section shall be made not less frequently than annually.
(d) Federal personnel
In addition to the amount determined under subsection (a), the United States shall pay to each specified possession at such times and in such manner as determined by the Secretary—
(1) the amount of the taxes deducted and withheld by the United States under chapter 24 with respect to compensation paid to members of the Armed Forces who are stationed in such possession but who have no income tax liability to such possession with respect to such compensation by reason of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 App. U.S.C. 501 et seq.), and
(2) the amount of the taxes deducted and withheld under chapter 24 with respect to amounts paid for services performed as an employee of the United States (or any agency thereof) in a specified possession with respect to an individual unless section 931 or 932 (c) applies.
(e) Regulations
The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section and sections 931 and 932, including regulations prohibiting the rebate of taxes covered over which are allocable to United States source income and prescribing the information which the individuals to whom such sections may apply shall furnish to the Secretary.