§ 6709. Penalties with respect to mortgage credit certificates

(a) Negligence
(1) any person makes a material misstatement in any verified written statement made under penalties of perjury with respect to the issuance of a mortgage credit certificate, and
(2) such misstatement is due to the negligence of such person,
such person shall pay a penalty of $1,000 for each mortgage credit certificate with respect to which such a misstatement was made.
(b) Fraud
If a misstatement described in subsection (a)(1) is due to fraud on the part of the person making such misstatement, in addition to any criminal penalty, such person shall pay a penalty of $10,000 for each mortgage credit certificate with respect to which such a misstatement is made.
(c) Reports
Any person required by section 25 (g) to file a report with the Secretary who fails to file the report with respect to any mortgage credit certificate at the time and in the manner required by the Secretary shall pay a penalty of $200 for such failure unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect. In the case of any report required under the second sentence of section 25 (g), the aggregate amount of the penalty imposed by the preceding sentence shall not exceed $2,000.
(d) Mortgage credit certificate
The term “mortgage credit certificate” has the meaning given to such term by section 25 (c).