§ 1400. Establishment of DC Zone

(a) In general
For purposes of this title—
(1) the applicable DC area is hereby designated as the District of Columbia Enterprise Zone, and
(2) except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the District of Columbia Enterprise Zone shall be treated as an empowerment zone designated under subchapter U.
(b) Applicable DC area
For purposes of subsection (a), the term “applicable DC area” means the area consisting of—
(1) the census tracts located in the District of Columbia which are part of an enterprise community designated under subchapter U before the date of the enactment of this subchapter, and
(2) all other census tracts—
(A) which are located in the District of Columbia, and
(B) for which the poverty rate is not less than than [1] 20 percent as determined on the basis of the 1990 census.
(c) District of Columbia Enterprise Zone
For purposes of this subchapter, the terms “District of Columbia Enterprise Zone” and “DC Zone” mean the District of Columbia Enterprise Zone designated by subsection (a).
(d) Special rule for application of employment credit
With respect to the DC Zone, section 1396 (d)(1)(B) (relating to empowerment zone employment credit) shall be applied by substituting “the District of Columbia” for “such empowerment zone”.
(e) Special rule for application of enterprise zone business definition
For purposes of this subchapter and for purposes of applying subchapter U with respect to the DC Zone, section 1397C shall be applied without regard to subsections (b)(6) and (c)(5) thereof.
(f) Time for which designation applicable
(1) In general
The designation made by subsection (a) shall apply for the period beginning on January 1, 1998, and ending on December 31, 2011.
(2) Coordination with DC enterprise community designated under subchapter U
The designation under subchapter U of the census tracts referred to in subsection (b)(1) as an enterprise community shall terminate on December 31, 2011.

[1] So in original. The second “than” probably should not appear.