§ 856. Definition of real estate investment trust

(a) In general
For purposes of this title, the term “real estate investment trust” means a corporation, trust, or association—
(1) which is managed by one or more trustees or directors;
(2) the beneficial ownership of which is evidenced by transferable shares, or by transferable certificates of beneficial interest;
(3) which (but for the provisions of this part) would be taxable as a domestic corporation;
(4) which is neither
(A) a financial institution referred to in section 582 (c)(2), nor
(B) an insurance company to which subchapter L applies;
(5) the beneficial ownership of which is held by 100 or more persons;
(6) subject to the provisions of subsection (k), which is not closely held (as determined under subsection (h)); and
(7) which meets the requirements of subsection (c).
(b) Determination of status
The conditions described in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subsection (a) must be met during the entire taxable year, and the condition described in paragraph (5) must exist during at least 335 days of a taxable year of 12 months, or during a proportionate part of a taxable year of less than 12 months.
(c) Limitations
A corporation, trust, or association shall not be considered a real estate investment trust for any taxable year unless—
(1) it files with its return for the taxable year an election to be a real estate investment trust or has made such election for a previous taxable year, and such election has not been terminated or revoked under subsection (g);
(2) at least 95 percent (90 percent for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1980) of its gross income (excluding gross income from prohibited transactions) is derived from—
(A) dividends;
(B) interest;
(C) rents from real property;
(D) gain from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities, and real property (including interests in real property and interests in mortgages on real property) which is not property described in section 1221 (a)(1);
(E) abatements and refunds of taxes on real property;
(F) income and gain derived from foreclosure property (as defined in subsection (e));
(G) amounts (other than amounts the determination of which depends in whole or in part on the income or profits of any person) received or accrued as consideration for entering into agreements
(i) to make loans secured by mortgages on real property or on interests in real property or
(ii) to purchase or lease real property (including interests in real property and interests in mortgages on real property);
(H) gain from the sale or other disposition of a real estate asset which is not a prohibited transaction solely by reason of section 857 (b)(6); and
(I) mineral royalty income earned in the first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph from real property owned by a timber real estate investment trust and held, or once held, in connection with the trade or business of producing timber by such real estate investment trust;
(3) at least 75 percent of its gross income (excluding gross income from prohibited transactions) is derived from—
(A) rents from real property;
(B) interest on obligations secured by mortgages on real property or on interests in real property;
(C) gain from the sale or other disposition of real property (including interests in real property and interests in mortgages on real property) which is not property described in section 1221 (a)(1);
(D) dividends or other distributions on, and gain (other than gain from prohibited transactions) from the sale or other disposition of, transferable shares (or transferable certificates of beneficial interest) in other real estate investment trusts which meet the requirements of this part;
(E) abatements and refunds of taxes on real property;
(F) income and gain derived from foreclosure property (as defined in subsection (e));
(G) amounts (other than amounts the determination of which depends in whole or in part on the income or profits of any person) received or accrued as consideration for entering into agreements
(i) to make loans secured by mortgages on real property or on interests in real property or
(ii) to purchase or lease real property (including interests in real property and interests in mortgages on real property);
(H) gain from the sale or other disposition of a real estate asset which is not a prohibited transaction solely by reason of section 857 (b)(6); and
(I) qualified temporary investment income; and
(4) at the close of each quarter of the taxable year—
(A) at least 75 percent of the value of its total assets is represented by real estate assets, cash and cash items (including receivables), and Government securities; and
(i) not more than 25 percent of the value of its total assets is represented by securities (other than those includible under subparagraph (A)),
(ii) not more than 25 percent of the value of its total assets is represented by securities of one or more taxable REIT subsidiaries,[1]
(iii) except with respect to a taxable REIT subsidiary and securities includible under subparagraph (A)—
(I) not more than 5 percent of the value of its total assets is represented by securities of any one issuer,
(II) the trust does not hold securities possessing more than 10 percent of the total voting power of the outstanding securities of any one issuer, and
(III) the trust does not hold securities having a value of more than 10 percent of the total value of the outstanding securities of any one issuer.
A real estate investment trust which meets the requirements of this paragraph at the close of any quarter shall not lose its status as a real estate investment trust because of a discrepancy during a subsequent quarter between the value of its various investments and such requirements (including a discrepancy caused solely by the change in the foreign currency exchange rate used to value a foreign asset) unless such discrepancy exists immediately after the acquisition of any security or other property and is wholly or partly the result of such acquisition. A real estate investment trust which does not meet such requirements at the close of any quarter by reason of a discrepancy existing immediately after the acquisition of any security or other property which is wholly or partly the result of such acquisition during such quarter shall not lose its status for such quarter as a real estate investment trust if such discrepancy is eliminated within 30 days after the close of such quarter and in such cases it shall be considered to have met such requirements at the close of such quarter for purposes of applying the preceding sentence.
(5) For purposes of this part—
(A) The term “value” means, with respect to securities for which market quotations are readily available, the market value of such securities; and with respect to other securities and assets, fair value as determined in good faith by the trustees, except that in the case of securities of real estate investment trusts such fair value shall not exceed market value or asset value, whichever is higher.
(B) The term “real estate assets” means real property (including interests in real property and interests in mortgages on real property) and shares (or transferable certificates of beneficial interest) in other real estate investment trusts which meet the requirements of this part. Such term also includes any property (not otherwise a real estate asset) attributable to the temporary investment of new capital, but only if such property is stock or a debt instrument, and only for the 1-year period beginning on the date the real estate trust receives such capital.
(C) The term “interests in real property” includes fee ownership and co-ownership of land or improvements thereon, leaseholds of land or improvements thereon, options to acquire land or improvements thereon, and options to acquire leaseholds of land or improvements thereon, but does not include mineral, oil, or gas royalty interests.
(D) Qualified temporary investment income.—
(i) In general.— The term “qualified temporary investment income” means any income which—
(I) is attributable to stock or a debt instrument (within the meaning of section 1275 (a)(1)),
(II) is attributable to the temporary investment of new capital, and
(III) is received or accrued during the 1-year period beginning on the date on which the real estate investment trust receives such capital.
(ii) New capital.— The term “new capital” means any amount received by the real estate investment trust—
(I) in exchange for stock (or certificates of beneficial interests) in such trust (other than amounts received pursuant to a dividend reinvestment plan), or
(II) in a public offering of debt obligations of such trust which have maturities of at least 5 years.
(E) A regular or residual interest in a REMIC shall be treated as a real estate asset, and any amount includible in gross income with respect to such an interest shall be treated as interest on an obligation secured by a mortgage on real property; except that, if less than 95 percent of the assets of such REMIC are real estate assets (determined as if the real estate investment trust held such assets), such real estate investment trust shall be treated as holding directly (and as receiving directly) its proportionate share of the assets and income of the REMIC. For purposes of determining whether any interest in a REMIC qualifies under the preceding sentence, any interest held by such REMIC in another REMIC shall be treated as a real estate asset under principles similar to the principles of the preceding sentence, except that, if such REMIC’s are part of a tiered structure, they shall be treated as one REMIC for purposes of this subparagraph.
(F) All other terms shall have the same meaning as when used in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (15 U.S.C. 80a–1 and following).
(G) Treatment of certain hedging instruments.— Except to the extent as determined by the Secretary—
(i) any income of a real estate investment trust from a hedging transaction (as defined in clause (ii) or (iii) of section 1221 (b)(2)(A)) which is clearly identified pursuant to section 1221 (a)(7), including gain from the sale or disposition of such a transaction, shall not constitute gross income under paragraphs (2) and (3) to the extent that the transaction hedges any indebtedness incurred or to be incurred by the trust to acquire or carry real estate assets, and
(ii) any income of a real estate investment trust from a transaction entered into by the trust primarily to manage risk of currency fluctuations with respect to any item of income or gain described in paragraph (2) or (3) (or any property which generates such income or gain), including gain from the termination of such a transaction, shall not constitute gross income under paragraphs (2) and (3), but only if such transaction is clearly identified as such before the close of the day on which it was acquired, originated, or entered into (or such other time as the Secretary may prescribe).
(H) Treatment of timber gains.—
(i) In general.— Gain from the sale of real property described in paragraph (2)(D) and (3)(C) shall include gain which is—
(I) recognized by an election under section 631 (a) from timber owned by the real estate investment trust, the cutting of which is provided by a taxable REIT subsidiary of the real estate investment trust;
(II) recognized under section 631 (b); or
(III) income which would constitute gain under subclause (I) or (II) but for the failure to meet the 1-year holding period requirement.
(ii) Special rules.—
(I) For purposes of this subtitle, cut timber, the gain from which is recognized by a real estate investment trust pursuant to an election under section 631 (a) described in clause (i)(I) or so much of clause (i)(III) as relates to clause (i)(I), shall be deemed to be sold to the taxable REIT subsidiary of the real estate investment trust on the first day of the taxable year.
(II) For purposes of this subtitle, income described in this subparagraph shall not be treated as gain from the sale of property described in section 1221 (a)(1).
(iii) Termination.— This subparagraph shall not apply to dispositions after the termination date.
(I) Timber real estate investment trust.— The term “timber real estate investment trust” means a real estate investment trust in which more than 50 percent in value of its total assets consists of real property held in connection with the trade or business of producing timber.
(J) Secretarial authority to exclude other items of income.— To the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, the Secretary is authorized to determine, solely for purposes of this part, whether any item of income or gain which—
(i) does not otherwise qualify under paragraph (2) or (3) may be considered as not constituting gross income for purposes of paragraphs (2) or (3), or
(ii) otherwise constitutes gross income not qualifying under paragraph (2) or (3) may be considered as gross income which qualifies under paragraph (2) or (3).
(K) Cash.— If the real estate investment trust or its qualified business unit (as defined in section 989) uses any foreign currency as its functional currency (as defined in section 985 (b)), the term “cash” includes such foreign currency but only to the extent such foreign currency—
(i) is held for use in the normal course of the activities of the trust or qualified business unit which give rise to items of income or gain described in paragraph (2) or (3) of subsection (c) or are directly related to acquiring or holding assets described in subsection (c)(4), and
(ii) is not held in connection with an activity described in subsection (n)(4).
(6) A corporation, trust, or association which fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) or (3), or of both such paragraphs, for any taxable year shall nevertheless be considered to have satisfied the requirements of such paragraphs for such taxable year if—
(A) following the corporation, trust, or association’s identification of the failure to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) or (3), or of both such paragraphs, for any taxable year, a description of each item of its gross income described in such paragraphs is set forth in a schedule for such taxable year filed in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, and
(B) the failure to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) or (3), or of both such paragraphs, is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect.
(7) Rules of application for failure to satisfy paragraph (4).—
(A) In general.— A corporation, trust, or association that fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (4) (other than a failure to meet the requirements of paragraph (4)(B)(iii) which is described in subparagraph (B)(i) of this paragraph) for a particular quarter shall nevertheless be considered to have satisfied the requirements of such paragraph for such quarter if—
(i) following the corporation, trust, or association’s identification of the failure to satisfy the requirements of such paragraph for a particular quarter, a description of each asset that causes the corporation, trust, or association to fail to satisfy the requirements of such paragraph at the close of such quarter of any taxable year is set forth in a schedule for such quarter filed in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary,
(ii) the failure to meet the requirements of such paragraph for a particular quarter is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, and
(I) the corporation, trust, or association disposes of the assets set forth on the schedule specified in clause (i) within 6 months after the last day of the quarter in which the corporation, trust or association’s identification of the failure to satisfy the requirements of such paragraph occurred or such other time period prescribed by the Secretary and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary, or
(II) the requirements of such paragraph are otherwise met within the time period specified in subclause (I).
(B) Rule for certain de minimis failures.— A corporation, trust, or association that fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (4)(B)(iii) for a particular quarter shall nevertheless be considered to have satisfied the requirements of such paragraph for such quarter if—
(i) such failure is due to the ownership of assets the total value of which does not exceed the lesser of—
(I) 1 percent of the total value of the trust’s assets at the end of the quarter for which such measurement is done, and
(II) $10,000,000, and
(I) the corporation, trust, or association, following the identification of such failure, disposes of assets in order to meet the requirements of such paragraph within 6 months after the last day of the quarter in which the corporation, trust or association’s identification of the failure to satisfy the requirements of such paragraph occurred or such other time period prescribed by the Secretary and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary, or
(II) the requirements of such paragraph are otherwise met within the time period specified in subclause (I).
(C) Tax.—
(i) Tax imposed.— If subparagraph (A) applies to a corporation, trust, or association for any taxable year, there is hereby imposed on such corporation, trust, or association a tax in an amount equal to the greater of—
(I) $50,000, or
(II) the amount determined (pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Secretary) by multiplying the net income generated by the assets described in the schedule specified in subparagraph (A)(i) for the period specified in clause (ii) by the highest rate of tax specified in section 11.
(ii) Period.— For purposes of clause (i)(II), the period described in this clause is the period beginning on the first date that the failure to satisfy the requirements of such paragraph (4) occurs as a result of the ownership of such assets and ending on the earlier of the date on which the trust disposes of such assets or the end of the first quarter when there is no longer a failure to satisfy such paragraph (4).
(iii) Administrative provisions.— For purposes of subtitle F, the taxes imposed by this subparagraph shall be treated as excise taxes with respect to which the deficiency procedures of such subtitle apply.
(8) Termination date.— For purposes of this subsection, the term “termination date” means, with respect to any taxpayer, the last day of the taxpayer’s first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this paragraph and before the date that is 1 year after such date of enactment.
(d) Rents from real property defined
(1) Amounts included
For purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c), the term “rents from real property” includes (subject to paragraph (2))—
(A) rents from interests in real property,
(B) charges for services customarily furnished or rendered in connection with the rental of real property, whether or not such charges are separately stated, and
(C) rent attributable to personal property which is leased under, or in connection with, a lease of real property, but only if the rent attributable to such personal property for the taxable year does not exceed 15 percent of the total rent for the taxable year attributable to both the real and personal property leased under, or in connection with, such lease.
For purposes of subparagraph (C), with respect to each lease of real property, rent attributable to personal property for the taxable year is that amount which bears the same ratio to total rent for the taxable year as the average of the fair market values of the personal property at the beginning and at the end of the taxable year bears to the average of the aggregate fair market values of both the real property and the personal property at the beginning and at the end of such taxable year.
(2) Amounts excluded
For purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c), the term “rents from real property” does not include—
(A) except as provided in paragraphs (4) and (6), any amount received or accrued, directly or indirectly, with respect to any real or personal property, if the determination of such amount depends in whole or in part on the income or profits derived by any person from such property (except that any amount so received or accrued shall not be excluded from the term “rents from real property” solely by reason of being based on a fixed percentage or percentages of receipts or sales);
(B) except as provided in paragraph (8), any amount received or accrued directly or indirectly from any person if the real estate investment trust owns, directly or indirectly—
(i) in the case of any person which is a corporation, stock of such person possessing 10 percent or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote, or 10 percent or more of the total value of shares of all classes of stock of such person; or
(ii) in the case of any person which is not a corporation, an interest of 10 percent or more in the assets or net profits of such person; and
(C) any impermissible tenant service income (as defined in paragraph (7)).
(3) Independent contractor defined
For purposes of this subsection and subsection (e), the term “independent contractor” means any person—
(A) who does not own, directly or indirectly, more than 35 percent of the shares, or certificates of beneficial interest, in the real estate investment trust; and
(B) if such person is a corporation, not more than 35 percent of the total combined voting power of whose stock (or 35 percent of the total shares of all classes of whose stock), or, if such person is not a corporation, not more than 35 percent of the interest in whose assets or net profits is owned, directly or indirectly, by one or more persons owning 35 percent or more of the shares or certificates of beneficial interest in the trust.
In the event that any class of stock of either the real estate investment trust or such person is regularly traded on an established securities market, only persons who own, directly or indirectly, more than 5 percent of such class of stock shall be taken into account as owning any of the stock of such class for purposes of applying the 35 percent limitation set forth in subparagraph (B) (but all of the outstanding stock of such class shall be considered outstanding in order to compute the denominator for purpose of determining the applicable percentage of ownership).
(4) Special rule for certain contingent rents
Where a real estate investment trust receives or accrues, with respect to real or personal property, any amount which would be excluded from the term “rents from real property” solely because the tenant of the real estate investment trust receives or accrues, directly or indirectly, from subtenants any amount the determination of which depends in whole or in part on the income or profits derived by any person from such property, only a proportionate part (determined pursuant to regulations prescribed by the Secretary) of the amount received or accrued by the real estate investment trust from that tenant will be excluded from the term “rents from real property”.
(5) Constructive ownership of stock
For purposes of this subsection, the rules prescribed by section 318 (a) for determining the ownership of stock shall apply in determining the ownership of stock, assets, or net profits of any person; except that—
(A) “10 percent” shall be substituted for “50 percent” in subparagraph (C) of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 318 (a), and
(B) section 318 (a)(3)(A) shall be applied in the case of a partnership by taking into account only partners who own (directly or indirectly) 25 percent or more of the capital interest, or the profits interest, in the partnership.
(6) Special rule for certain property subleased by tenant of real estate investment trusts
(A) In general
(i) a real estate investment trust receives or accrues, with respect to real or personal property, amounts from a tenant which derives substantially all of its income with respect to such property from the subleasing of substantially all of such property, and
(ii) a portion of the amount such tenant receives or accrues, directly or indirectly, from subtenants consists of qualified rents,
then the amounts which the trust receives or accrues from the tenant shall not be excluded from the term “rents from real property” by reason of being based on the income or profits of such tenant to the extent the amounts so received or accrued are attributable to qualified rents received or accrued by such tenant.
(B) Qualified rents
For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term “qualified rents” means any amount which would be treated as rents from real property if received by the real estate investment trust.
(7) Impermissible tenant service income
For purposes of paragraph (2)(C)—
(A) In general
The term “impermissible tenant service income” means, with respect to any real or personal property, any amount received or accrued directly or indirectly by the real estate investment trust for—
(i) services furnished or rendered by the trust to the tenants of such property, or
(ii) managing or operating such property.
(B) Disqualification of all amounts where more than de minimis amount
If the amount described in subparagraph (A) with respect to a property for any taxable year exceeds 1 percent of all amounts received or accrued during such taxable year directly or indirectly by the real estate investment trust with respect to such property, the impermissible tenant service income of the trust with respect to the property shall include all such amounts.
(C) Exceptions
For purposes of subparagraph (A)—
(i) services furnished or rendered, or management or operation provided, through an independent contractor from whom the trust itself does not derive or receive any income or through a taxable REIT subsidiary of such trust shall not be treated as furnished, rendered, or provided by the trust, and
(ii) there shall not be taken into account any amount which would be excluded from unrelated business taxable income under section 512 (b)(3) if received by an organization described in section 511 (a)(2).
(D) Amount attributable to impermissible services
For purposes of subparagraph (A), the amount treated as received for any service (or management or operation) shall not be less than 150 percent of the direct cost of the trust in furnishing or rendering the service (or providing the management or operation).
(E) Coordination with limitations
For purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c), amounts described in subparagraph (A) shall be included in the gross income of the corporation, trust, or association.
(8) Special rule for taxable REIT subsidiaries
For purposes of this subsection, amounts paid to a real estate investment trust by a taxable REIT subsidiary of such trust shall not be excluded from rents from real property by reason of paragraph (2)(B) if the requirements of either of the following subparagraphs are met:
(A) Limited rental exception
(i) In general The requirements of this subparagraph are met with respect to any property if at least 90 percent of the leased space of the property is rented to persons other than taxable REIT subsidiaries of such trust and other than persons described in paragraph (2)(B).
(ii) Rents must be substantially comparable Clause (i) shall apply only to the extent that the amounts paid to the trust as rents from real property (as defined in paragraph (1) without regard to paragraph (2)(B)) from such property are substantially comparable to such rents paid by the other tenants of the trust’s property for comparable space.
(iii) Times for testing rent comparability The substantial comparability requirement of clause (ii) shall be treated as met with respect to a lease to a taxable REIT subsidiary of the trust if such requirement is met under the terms of the lease—
(I) at the time such lease is entered into,
(II) at the time of each extension of the lease, including a failure to exercise a right to terminate, and
(III) at the time of any modification of the lease between the trust and the taxable REIT subsidiary if the rent under such lease is effectively increased pursuant to such modification.
 With respect to subclause (III), if the taxable REIT subsidiary of the trust is a controlled taxable REIT subsidiary of the trust, the term “rents from real property” shall not in any event include rent under such lease to the extent of the increase in such rent on account of such modification.
(iv) Controlled taxable REIT subsidiary For purposes of clause (iii), the term “controlled taxable REIT subsidiary” means, with respect to any real estate investment trust, any taxable REIT subsidiary of such trust if such trust owns directly or indirectly—
(I) stock possessing more than 50 percent of the total voting power of the outstanding stock of such subsidiary, or
(II) stock having a value of more than 50 percent of the total value of the outstanding stock of such subsidiary.
(v) Continuing qualification based on third party actions If the requirements of clause (i) are met at a time referred to in clause (iii), such requirements shall continue to be treated as met so long as there is no increase in the space leased to any taxable REIT subsidiary of such trust or to any person described in paragraph (2)(B).
(vi) Correction period If there is an increase referred to in clause (v) during any calendar quarter with respect to any property, the requirements of clause (iii) shall be treated as met during the quarter and the succeeding quarter if such requirements are met at the close of such succeeding quarter.
(B) Exception for certain lodging facilities and health care property
The requirements of this subparagraph are met with respect to an interest in real property which is a qualified lodging facility (as defined in paragraph (9)(D)) or a qualified health care property (as defined in subsection (e)(6)(D)(i)) leased by the trust to a taxable REIT subsidiary of the trust if the property is operated on behalf of such subsidiary by a person who is an eligible independent contractor. For purposes of this section, a taxable REIT subsidiary is not considered to be operating or managing a qualified health care property or qualified lodging facility solely because it—
(i) directly or indirectly possesses a license, permit, or similar instrument enabling it to do so, or
(ii) employs individuals working at such facility or property located outside the United States, but only if an eligible independent contractor is responsible for the daily supervision and direction of such individuals on behalf of the taxable REIT subsidiary pursuant to a management agreement or similar service contract.
(9) Eligible independent contractor
For purposes of paragraph (8)(B)—
(A) In general
The term “eligible independent contractor” means, with respect to any qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property (as defined in subsection (e)(6)(D)(i)), any independent contractor if, at the time such contractor enters into a management agreement or other similar service contract with the taxable REIT subsidiary to operate such qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property, such contractor (or any related person) is actively engaged in the trade or business of operating qualified lodging facilities or qualified health care properties, respectively, for any person who is not a related person with respect to the real estate investment trust or the taxable REIT subsidiary.
(B) Special rules
Solely for purposes of this paragraph and paragraph (8)(B), a person shall not fail to be treated as an independent contractor with respect to any qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property (as so defined) by reason of the following:
(i) The taxable REIT subsidiary bears the expenses for the operation of such qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property pursuant to the management agreement or other similar service contract.
(ii) The taxable REIT subsidiary receives the revenues from the operation of such qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property, net of expenses for such operation and fees payable to the operator pursuant to such agreement or contract.
(iii) The real estate investment trust receives income from such person with respect to another property that is attributable to a lease of such other property to such person that was in effect as of the later of—
(I) January 1, 1999, or
(II) the earliest date that any taxable REIT subsidiary of such trust entered into a management agreement or other similar service contract with such person with respect to such qualified lodging facility or qualified health care property.
(C) Renewals, etc., of existing leases
For purposes of subparagraph (B)(iii)—
(i) a lease shall be treated as in effect on January 1, 1999, without regard to its renewal after such date, so long as such renewal is pursuant to the terms of such lease as in effect on whichever of the dates under subparagraph (B)(iii) is the latest, and
(ii) a lease of a property entered into after whichever of the dates under subparagraph (B)(iii) is the latest shall be treated as in effect on such date if—
(I) on such date, a lease of such property from the trust was in effect, and
(II) under the terms of the new lease, such trust receives a substantially similar or lesser benefit in comparison to the lease referred to in subclause (I).
(D) Qualified lodging facility
For purposes of this paragraph—
(i) In general The term “qualified lodging facility” means any lodging facility unless wagering activities are conducted at or in connection with such facility by any person who is engaged in the business of accepting wagers and who is legally authorized to engage in such business at or in connection with such facility.
(ii) Lodging facility The term “lodging facility” means a—
(I) hotel,
(II) motel, or
(III) other establishment more than one-half of the dwelling units in which are used on a transient basis.
(iii) Customary amenities and facilities The term “lodging facility” includes customary amenities and facilities operated as part of, or associated with, the lodging facility so long as such amenities and facilities are customary for other properties of a comparable size and class owned by other owners unrelated to such real estate investment trust.
(E) Operate includes manage
References in this paragraph to operating a property shall be treated as including a reference to managing the property.
(F) Related person
Persons shall be treated as related to each other if such persons are treated as a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52.
(e) Special rules for foreclosure property
(1) Foreclosure property defined
For purposes of this part, the term “foreclosure property” means any real property (including interests in real property), and any personal property incident to such real property, acquired by the real estate investment trust as the result of such trust having bid in such property at foreclosure, or having otherwise reduced such property to ownership or possession by agreement or process of law, after there was default (or default was imminent) on a lease of such property or on an indebtedness which such property secured. Such term does not include property acquired by the real estate investment trust as a result of indebtedness arising from the sale or other disposition of property of the trust described in section 1221 (a)(1) which was not originally acquired as foreclosure property.
(2) Grace period
Except as provided in paragraph (3), property shall cease to be foreclosure property with respect to the real estate investment trust as of the close of the 3d taxable year following the taxable year in which the trust acquired such property.
(3) Extensions
If the real estate investment trust establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that an extension of the grace period is necessary for the orderly liquidation of the trust’s interests in such property, the Secretary may grant one extension of the grace period for such property. Any such extension shall not extend the grace period beyond the close of the 3d taxable year following the last taxable year in the period under paragraph (2).
(4) Termination of grace period in certain cases
Any foreclosure property shall cease to be such on the first day (occurring on or after the day on which the real estate investment trust acquired the property) on which—
(A) a lease is entered into with respect to such property which, by its terms, will give rise to income which is not described in subsection (c)(3) (other than subparagraph (F) of such subsection), or any amount is received or accrued, directly or indirectly, pursuant to a lease entered into on or after such day which is not described in such subsection,
(B) any construction takes place on such prope