§ 147. Construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities
In General.—
The Secretary shall carry out a program for construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities in accordance with section
Federal Share.—
The Federal share of the cost of construction of ferry boats, ferry terminals, and ferry maintenance facilities under this section shall be 80 percent.
Allocation of Funds.—
The Secretary shall give priority in the allocation of funds under this section to those ferry systems, and public entities responsible for developing ferries, that—
Set-Aside for Projects on NHS.—
In general.—
$20,000,000 of the amount made available to carry out this section for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009 shall be obligated for the construction or refurbishment of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities and approaches to such facilities within marine highway systems that are part of the National Highway System.
$10,000,000 of the $20,000,000 for a fiscal year made available under paragraph (1) shall be made available to the State of Alaska.
Period of Availability.—
Notwithstanding section
(b), funds made available to carry out this section shall remain available until expended.
All provisions of this chapter that are applicable to the National Highway System, other than provisions relating to apportionment formula and Federal share, shall apply to funds made available to carry out this section, except as determined by the Secretary to be inconsistent with this section.