§ 4117. Standards of conduct for labor organizations
Freedom from corrupt influences and influences opposed to basic democratic principles
The Department shall accord recognition only to a labor organization that is free from corrupt influences and influences opposed to basic democratic principles. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, an organization is not required to prove that it is free from such influences if it is subject to a governing requirement adopted by the organization or by a national or international labor organization or federation of labor organizations with which it is affiliated, or in which it participates, containing explicit and detailed provisions to which it subscribes calling for—
the exclusion from office in the organization of persons affiliated with Communist or other totalitarian movements and persons identified with corrupt influences;
Furnishing of information
A labor organization may be required to furnish evidence of its freedom from corrupt influences opposed to basic democratic principles if there is reasonable cause to believe that—
the organization has been suspended or expelled from, or is subject to other sanction by, a parent labor organization, or federation of organizations with which it has been affiliated, because it has demonstrated an unwillingness or inability to comply with governing requirements comparable in purpose to those required by subsection (a) of this section; or
Reports; bonding of officials and other employees; compliance with trusteeship and election standards
A labor organization which has or seeks recognition as a representative of employees under this subchapter shall file financial and other reports with the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor Management Relations, provide for bonding of officials and others employed by the organization, and comply with trusteeship and election standards.
Regulations; filing of complaints; cease and desist orders
The Assistant Secretary of Labor shall prescribe such regulations as are necessary to carry out this section. Such regulations shall conform generally to the principles applied to labor organizations in the private sector. Complaints of violations of this section shall be filed with the Assistant Secretary. In any matter arising under this section, the Assistant Secretary may require a labor organization to cease and desist from violations of this section and require it to take such actions as the Assistant Secretary considers appropriate to carry out the policies of this section.
Participation in labor organizations restricted
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter—
participation in the management of a labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining or acting as a representative of a labor organization for such purposes is prohibited under this subchapter—
Willful and intentional violations
If the Board finds that any labor organization has willfully and intentionally violated section
(b)(7) of this title by omission or commission with regard to any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, the Board shall—