§ 3712. Panama Canal Revolving Fund
There is established in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund to be known as “Panama Canal Revolving Fund”. The Panama Canal Revolving Fund shall, subject to subsection (b) of this section, be available to the Commission to carry out the purposes, functions, and powers authorized by this chapter, including for the following purposes:
Official receptions and representation expenses of the Board, the Secretary of the Commission, and the Administrator.
Promotional activities, including the preparation, distribution, or use of any kit, pamphlet, booklet, publication, radio, television, film, or other media presentation designed to promote the Panama Canal as a resource of the world shipping industry.
The purchase and transportation to the Republic of Panama of passenger motor vehicles, including large, heavy-duty vehicles.
Payment to the Panama Canal Authority, not later than the Canal Transfer Date, of such amount as is computed by the Commission to be the future amount of severance pay to be paid by the Panama Canal Authority to employees whose employment with the Authority is terminated, to the extent that such severance pay is attributable to periods of service performed with the Commission before the Canal Transfer Date (and assuming for purposes of such computation that the Panama Canal Authority, in paying severance pay to terminated employees, will provide for crediting of periods of service with the Commission).
Tolls and other receipts into Panama Canal Revolving Fund; restriction on use of funds
There shall be deposited in the Panama Canal Revolving Fund, on a continuing basis, toll receipts (other than amounts of toll receipts deposited into the Panama Canal Commission Dissolution Fund under section
3714a of this title) and all other receipts of the Commission. Except as provided in section
3713 of this title, no funds may be obligated or expended by the Commission in any fiscal year unless such obligation or expenditure has been specifically authorized by law.
No funds may be authorized for the use of the Commission, or obligated or expended by the Commission in any fiscal year; in excess of—
the amount of revenues deposited in the Panama Canal Revolving Fund and the Panama Canal Commission Dissolution Fund during such fiscal year; plus
the amount of revenues deposited in the Panama Canal Revolving Fund before such fiscal year and remaining unobligated at the beginning of such fiscal year; plus
Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to the Congress the amount of revenues deposited in the Panama Canal Revolving Fund during such fiscal year.
Authority of Commission to make deposits
With the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commission may deposit amounts in the Panama Canal Revolving Fund in any Federal Reserve bank, any depositary for public funds, or such other place and in such manner as the Commission and the Secretary may agree.
Costs of implementation
It is the sense of the Congress that the additional costs resulting from the implementation of the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 and related agreements should be kept to the absolute minimum level. To this end, the Congress declares appropriated costs of implementation to be borne by the taxpayers over the life of such Treaty should be kept to a level no greater than the March 1979 estimate of those costs ($870,700,000) presented to the Congress by the executive branch during consideration of this chapter by the Congress, less personnel retirement costs of $205,000,000, which were subtracted and charged to tolls, therefore resulting in net taxpayer cost of approximately $665,700,000, plus appropriate adjustments for inflation.
Termination of Commission and Office of Transition Administration; transfer of Fund
The Panama Canal Commission and the Office of Transition Administration (described in section 3504 of Public Law 106–65) shall terminate on October 1, 2004.
Upon termination pursuant to paragraph (1), the Panama Canal Revolving Fund shall be transferred to the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA shall use the amounts in the Fund to make payments of any outstanding liabilities of the Commission, as well as any expenses associated with the termination of the Office of Transition Administration and the Commission. The fund shall be the exclusive source available for payment of any outstanding liabilities of the Commission.