§ 7225d. Requirements and voluntary participation

(a) Parent and community involvement and notice
In carrying out a program under this subpart, an eligible entity shall—
(1) develop the program with—
(A) the involvement of parents and others in the community to be served; and
(B) individuals who will carry out the program, including administrators, teachers, principals, and other staff; and
(2) provide to parents of students in the area to be served by the program with prompt notice of—
(A) the existence of the program;
(B) the program’s availability; and
(C) a clear explanation of how the program will operate.
(b) Selection of students
An eligible entity that receives a grant under this subpart shall select students to participate in a program on the basis of a lottery, if more students apply for admission to the program than can be accommodated.
(c) Voluntary participation
Student participation in a program funded under this subpart shall be voluntary.