§ 7213. State uses of funds

A State educational agency may use funds made available for State use under section 7211a (b) of this title only for one or more of the following:
(1) State administration of programs under this part, including—
(A) allocating funds to local educational agencies;
(B) planning, supervising, and processing State educational agency funds; and
(C) monitoring and evaluating programs under this part.
(2) Support for the planning, design, and initial implementation of charter schools as described in part B of this subchapter.
(3) Statewide education reform, school improvement programs and technical assistance and direct grants to local educational agencies, which assist such agencies under section 7215 of this title.
(4) Support for the design and implementation of high-quality yearly student assessments.
(5) Support for implementation of challenging State and local academic achievement standards.
(6) Support for arrangements that provide for independent analysis to measure and report on school district achievement.
(7) Support for the program described in section 321 of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 (as enacted into law by section 1(a)(1) of Public Law 106–554).
(8) Support for programs to assist in the implementation of the policy described in section 9507 [1] which may include payment of reasonable transportation costs and tuition costs for such students.

[1] So in original. Pub. L. 89–10 does not contain a section 9507.