§ 7132. Impact evaluation

(a) Biennial evaluation
The Secretary, in consultation with the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee described in section 7134 of this title, shall conduct an independent biennial evaluation of the impact of programs assisted under this subpart and of other recent and new initiatives to combat violence and illegal drug use in schools. The evaluation shall report on whether community and local educational agency programs funded under this subpart—
(1) comply with the principles of effectiveness described in section 7115 (a) of this title;
(2) have appreciably reduced the level of illegal drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, and school violence and the illegal presence of weapons at schools; and
(3) have conducted effective parent involvement and training programs.
(b) Data collection
The National Center for Education Statistics shall collect data, that is subject to independent review, to determine the incidence and prevalence of illegal drug use and violence in elementary schools and secondary schools in the States. The collected data shall include incident reports by schools officials, anonymous student surveys, and anonymous teacher surveys.
(c) Biennial report
Not later than January 1, 2003, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the President and Congress a report on the findings of the evaluation conducted under subsection (a) of this section together with the data collected under subsection (b) of this section and data available from other sources on the incidence and prevalence, age of onset, perception of health risk, and perception of social disapproval of drug use and violence in elementary schools and secondary schools in the States. The Secretary shall include data submitted by the States pursuant to subsection 7116(a) of this title.