§ 6492. Demonstrations of innovative practices

(a) In general
From the funds appropriated for any fiscal year under section 6302 (e)(1) of this title, the Secretary may award grants to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, other public agencies, nonprofit organizations, public or private partnerships involving business and industry organizations, and consortia of such entities to carry out demonstration projects that show the most promise of enabling children served under this subchapter to meet challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards.
(b) Evaluation
The Secretary shall evaluate the demonstration projects supported under this subchapter, using rigorous methodological designs and techniques, including control groups and random assignment, to the extent feasible, to produce reliable evidence of effectiveness.
(c) Partnerships
From funds appropriated under section 6302 (e)(1) of this title for any fiscal year, the Secretary may, directly or through grants or contracts, work in partnership with State educational agencies, local educational agencies, other public agencies, and nonprofit organizations to disseminate and use the highest quality research and knowledge about effective practices to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools assisted under this subchapter.