§ 4704. Barry Goldwater scholarship and excellence in education awards
Award of scholarships and fellowships
The Foundation may award scholarships and fellowships to eligible persons for study in the fields of science and mathematics. Such scholarships and fellowships shall be awarded to persons as provided in this chapter who meet the minimum criteria established by the Foundation.
Scholarships shall be awarded to outstanding undergraduate students who intend to pursue careers in mathematics and the natural sciences.
Barry Goldwater Scholars
Recipients of scholarships and fellowships under this chapter shall be known as “Barry Goldwater Scholars”.
Award of honoraria to volunteers
The Foundation may award honoraria to outstanding educators, teachers, and persons who have volunteered to assist in secondary schools who have made significant contributions to improve the quality of instruction in mathematics and sciences in the secondary school. To the extent the Board determines such action practicable, honoraria awarded under this subsection shall be awarded annually to persons described in the preceding sentence as follows: