§ 3993. Amendment to State application

(a) Application
A State shall be eligible to receive a grant under this part if—
(1) the State submits to the Secretary as part of its application under section 209 [1] such information and assurances as the Secretary may require at such time as the Secretary shall establish; and
(2) the Secretary approves such application.
(b) Application requirements
The Secretary shall require each application to include—
(1) a description of the State’s procedures relating to the use of funds from grants received under this part, including the approval process for local applications;
(2) an assurance that not more than 1 percent of the amount received shall be used for administrative expenses; and
(3) an assurance that the State will, to the extent possible, assist local school districts in economically depressed areas to obtain matching funds from business concerns.

[1] See References in Text note below.