§ 1092e. College access initiative
State-by-State information
The Secretary shall direct each guaranty agency with which the Secretary has an agreement under section
(c) of this title to provide to the Secretary the information necessary for the development of Internet web links and access for students and families to a comprehensive listing of the postsecondary education opportunities, programs, publications, Internet web sites, and other services available in the States for which such agency serves as the designated guarantor.
Guaranty agency activities
Plan and activity required
Each guaranty agency with which the Secretary has an agreement under section
(c) of this title shall develop a plan, and undertake the activity necessary, to gather the information required under subsection (a) and to make such information available to the public and to the Secretary in a form and manner as prescribed by the Secretary.
Each guaranty agency shall undertake such activities as are necessary to promote access to postsecondary education for students through providing information on college planning, career preparation, and paying for college. The guaranty agency shall publicize such information and coordinate such activities with other entities that either provide or distribute such information in the States for which such guaranty agency serves as the designated guarantor.
Access to information
Secretary’s responsibility
The Secretary shall ensure the availability of the information provided, by the guaranty agencies in accordance with this section, to students, parents, and other interested individuals, through Internet web links or other methods prescribed by the Secretary.
Guaranty agency responsibility
The guaranty agencies shall ensure that the information required by this section is available without charge in printed format for students and parents requesting such information.
Not later than 270 days after February 8, 2006, the Secretary and guaranty agencies shall publicize the availability of the information required by this section, with special emphasis on ensuring that populations that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education are made aware of the availability of such information.