§ 1087mm. Family contribution

(a) In general
For the purpose of this subchapter and part C of subchapter I of chapter 34 of title 42, other than subpart 2 of part A of this subchapter, and except as provided in subsection (b), the term “family contribution” with respect to any student means the amount which the student and the student’s family may be reasonably expected to contribute toward the student’s postsecondary education for the academic year for which the determination is made, as determined in accordance with this part.
(b) Special rule
(1) In general
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter and part C of subchapter I of chapter 34 of title 42, the family contribution of each student described in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be zero for the academic year for which the determination is made.
(2) Applicability
Paragraph (1) shall apply to any dependent or independent student with respect to determinations of need for academic year 2009–2010 and succeeding academic years—
(A) who is eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant for the academic year for which the determination is made;
(B) whose parent or guardian was a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and died as a result of performing military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001; and
(C) who, at the time of the parent or guardian’s death, was—
(i) less than 24 years of age; or
(ii) enrolled at an institution of higher education on a part-time or full-time basis.
(3) Information
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense, as appropriate, shall provide the Secretary of Education with information necessary to determine which students meet the requirements of paragraph (2).