§ 1070a-22. Requirements

(a) Funding rules
In awarding grants from the amount appropriated under section 1070a–28 of this title for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make available—
(1) to eligible entities described in section 1070a–21 (c)(1) of this title, not less than 33 percent of such amount;
(2) to eligible entities described in section 1070a–21 (c)(2) of this title, not less than 33 percent of such amount; and
(3) to eligible entities described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1070a–21 (c) of this title, the remainder of such amount taking into consideration the number, quality, and promise of the applications for the grants, and, to the extent practicable—
(A) the geographic distribution of such grant awards; and
(B) the distribution of such grant awards between urban and rural applicants.
(b) Coordination
Each eligible entity shall ensure that the activities assisted under this division are, to the extent practicable, coordinated with, and complement and enhance—
(1) services under this division provided by other eligible entities serving the same school district or State; and
(2) related services under other Federal or non-Federal programs.
(c) Designation of fiscal agent
An eligible entity described in section 1070a–21 (c)(2) of this title shall designate an institution of higher education or a local educational agency as the fiscal agent for the eligible entity.
(d) Cohort approach
(1) In general
The Secretary shall require that eligible entities described in section 1070a–21 (c)(2) of this title—
(A) provide services under this division to at least one grade level of students, beginning not later than 7th grade, in a participating school that has a 7th grade and in which at least 50 percent of the students enrolled are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act [42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.] (or, if an eligible entity determines that it would promote the effectiveness of a program, an entire grade level of students, beginning not later than the 7th grade, who reside in public housing as defined in section 1437a (b)(1) of title 42);
(B) ensure that the services are provided through the 12th grade to students in the participating grade level and provide the option of continued services through the student’s first year of attendance at an institution of higher education to the extent the provision of such services was described in the eligible entity’s application for assistance under this division; and
(C) provide services under this division to students who have received services under a previous GEAR UP grant award but have not yet completed the 12th grade.
(2) Coordination requirement
In order for the Secretary to require the cohort approach described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall, where applicable, ensure that the cohort approach is done in coordination and collaboration with existing early intervention programs and does not duplicate the services already provided to a school or community.
(e) Supplement, not supplant
Grant funds awarded under this division shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, other Federal, State, and local funds that would otherwise be expended to carry out activities assisted under this division.