§ 80q-9. Inventory, identification, and return of Indian human remains and Indian funerary objects in possession of Smithsonian Institution
Inventory and identification
The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in consultation and cooperation with traditional Indian religious leaders and government officials of Indian tribes, shall—
Notice in case of identification of tribal origin
If the tribal origin of any Indian human remains or Indian funerary object is identified by a preponderance of the evidence, the Secretary shall so notify any affected Indian tribe at the earliest opportunity.
Return of Indian human remains and associated Indian funerary objects
If any Indian human remains are identified by a preponderance of the evidence as those of a particular individual or as those of an individual culturally affiliated with a particular Indian tribe, the Secretary, upon the request of the descendants of such individual or of the Indian tribe shall expeditiously return such remains (together with any associated funerary objects) to the descendants or tribe, as the case may be.
Return of Indian funerary objects not associated with Indian human remains
If any Indian funerary object not associated with Indian human remains is identified by a preponderance of the evidence as having been removed from a specific burial site of an individual culturally affiliated with a particular Indian tribe, the Secretary, upon the request of the Indian tribe, shall expeditiously return such object to the tribe.
Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as—
Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1991 and such sums as may be necessary for succeeding fiscal years to carry out this section and section
80q–9a of this title.