§ 3602. Special agricultural safeguard authority

(a) Determination of trigger levels
Consistent with Article 5 as determined by the President, the President shall cause to be published in the Federal Register—
(1) the list of special safeguard agricultural goods not later than the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement with respect to the United States; and
(2) for each special safeguard agricultural good—
(A) the trigger level specified in subparagraph 1(a) of Article 5, on an annual basis;
(B) the trigger price specified in subparagraph 1(b) of Article 5; and
(C) the relevant period.
(b) Determination of safeguard
If the President determines with respect to a special safeguard agricultural good that it is appropriate to impose—
(1) the price-based safeguard in accordance with subparagraph 1(b) of Article 5; or
(2) the volume-based safeguard in accordance with subparagraph 1(a) of Article 5,
the President shall, consistent with Article 5 as determined by the President, determine the amount of the duty to be imposed, the period such duty shall be in effect, and any other terms and conditions applicable to the duty.
(c) Imposition of safeguard
The President shall direct the Secretary of the Treasury to impose a duty on a special safeguard agricultural good entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption in the United States in accordance with a determination made under subsection (b) of this section.
(d) No simultaneous safeguard
A duty may not be in effect for a special safeguard agricultural good pursuant to this section during any period in which such good is the subject of any action proclaimed pursuant to section 2252 or 2253 of this title.
(e) Exclusion of NAFTA countries
The President may exempt from any duty imposed under this section any good originating in a NAFTA country (as determined in accordance with section 3332 of this title).
(f) Advice of Secretary of Agriculture
The Secretary of Agriculture shall advise the President on the implementation of this section.
(g) Termination date
This section shall cease to be effective on the date, as determined by the President, that the special safeguard provisions of Article 5 are no longer in force with respect to the United States.
(h) Definitions
For purposes of this section—
(1) the term “Article 5” means Article 5 of the Agreement on Agriculture described in section 3511 (d)(2) of this title;
(2) the term “relevant period” means the period determined by the President to be applicable to a special safeguard agricultural good for purposes of applying this section; and
(3) the term “special safeguard agricultural good” means an agricultural good on which an additional duty may be imposed pursuant to the special safeguard provisions of Article 5.