§ 6701. Findings
Congress finds that—
there is an increasing threat of wildfire to millions of acres of forest land and rangeland throughout the United States;
forest land and rangeland are degraded as a direct consequence of land management practices, including practices to control and prevent wildfires and the failure to harvest subdominant trees from overstocked stands that disrupt the occurrence of frequent low-intensity fires that have periodically removed flammable undergrowth;
at least 39,000,000 acres of land of the National Forest System in the interior West are at high risk of wildfire;
an average of 95 percent of the expenditures by the Forest Service for wildfire suppression during fiscal years 1990 through 1994 were made to suppress wildfires in the interior West;
of the timberland in National Forests in the States of Arizona and New Mexico, 59 percent of such land in Arizona, and 56 percent of such land in New Mexico, has an average diameter of 9 to 12 inches diameter at breast height;
the population of the interior West grew twice as fast as the national average during the 1990s;
a 1994 assessment of forest health in the interior West estimated that only a 15- to 30-year window of opportunity exists for effective management intervention before damage from uncontrollable wildfire becomes widespread, with 8 years having already elapsed since the assessment;
sustaining the long-term ecological and economic health of interior West forests and woodland, and their associated human communities requires preventing severe wildfires before the wildfires occur and permitting natural, low-intensity ground fires;
more natural fire regimes cannot be accomplished without the reduction of excess fuels and thinning of subdominant trees (which fuels and trees may be of commercial value);
although landscape scale restoration is needed to effectively reverse degradation, scientific understanding of landscape scale treatments is limited;
rigorous, objective, understandable, and applied scientific information is needed for—