§ 4502a. Tropical forestry research and assistance
To promote sound management and conservation of tropical forests of the United States and to promote the development and transfer of technical, managerial, educational, and administrative skills to managers of tropical forests within or outside the United States, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to provide assistance through the Forest Service to eligible entities in States with tropical forests to—
develop, promote, and demonstrate sustainable harvesting of native woods and other forest products on a sustainable yield basis in balance with natural resource conservation;
protect indigenous plant and animal species and essential watersheds from non-native animals, plants, and pathogens;
establish a monitoring system in tropical forests to identify baseline conditions and determine detrimental changes or improvements over time;
detect and appraise stresses affecting tropical forests caused by insect infestations, diseases, pollution, fire, and non-native animal and plant species, and by the influence of people;
Form of assistance
Assistance provided to eligible entities under this section may be in the form of grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.
As used in this section: