§ 3839aa-1. Definitions

In this part:
(1) Eligible land
(A) In general
The term “eligible land” means land on which agricultural commodities, livestock, or forest-related products are produced.
(B) Inclusions
The term “eligible land” includes the following:
(i) Cropland.
(ii) Grassland.
(iii) Rangeland.
(iv) Pasture land.
(v) Nonindustrial private forest land.
(vi) Other agricultural land (including cropped woodland, marshes, and agricultural land used for the production of livestock) on which resource concerns related to agricultural production could be addressed through a contract under the program, as determined by the Secretary.
(2) National organic program
The term “national organic program” means the national organic program established under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6501 et. seq.).
(3) Organic system plan
The term “organic system plan” means an organic plan approved under the national organic program.
(4) Payment
The term “payment” means financial assistance provided to a producer for performing practices under this part, including compensation for—
(A) incurred costs associated with planning, design, materials, equipment, installation, labor, management, maintenance, or training; and
(B) income forgone by the producer.
(5) Practice
The term “practice” means 1 or more improvements and conservation activities that are consistent with the purposes of the program under this part, as determined by the Secretary, including—
(A) improvements to eligible land of the producer, including—
(i) structural practices;
(ii) land management practices;
(iii) vegetative practices;
(iv) forest management; and
(v) other practices that the Secretary determines would further the purposes of the program; and
(B) conservation activities involving the development of plans appropriate for the eligible land of the producer, including—
(i) comprehensive nutrient management planning; and
(ii) other plans that the Secretary determines would further the purposes of the program under this part.
(6) Program
The term “program” means the environmental quality incentives program established by this part.