§ 3838d. Definitions

In this subpart:
(1) Conservation activities
(A) In general
The term “conservation activities” means conservation systems, practices, or management measures that are designed to address a resource concern.
(B) Inclusions
The term “conservation activities” includes—
(i) structural measures, vegetative measures, and land management measures, including agriculture drainage management systems, as determined by the Secretary; and
(ii) planning needed to address a resource concern.
(2) Conservation measurement tools
The term “conservation measurement tools” means procedures to estimate the level of environmental benefit to be achieved by a producer in implementing conservation activities, including indices or other measures developed by the Secretary.
(3) Conservation stewardship plan
The term “conservation stewardship plan” means a plan that—
(A) identifies and inventories resource concerns;
(B) establishes benchmark data and conservation objectives;
(C) describes conservation activities to be implemented, managed, or improved; and
(D) includes a schedule and evaluation plan for the planning, installation, and management of the new and existing conservation activities.
(4) Priority resource concern
The term “priority resource concern” means a resource concern that is identified at the State level, in consultation with the State Technical Committee, as a priority for a particular watershed or area of the State.
(5) Program
The term “program” means the conservation stewardship program established by this subpart.
(6) Resource concern
The term “resource concern” means a specific natural resource impairment or problem, as determined by the Secretary, that—
(A) represents a significant concern in a State or region; and
(B) is likely to be addressed successfully through the implementation of conservation activities by producers on land eligible for enrollment in the program.
(7) Stewardship threshold
The term “stewardship threshold” means the level of natural resource conservation and environmental management required, as determined by the Secretary using conservation measurement tools, to improve and conserve the quality and condition of a resource concern.