§ 2903. Conservation plans
The conservation plan for any State must—
provide for the vesting in the designated State agency of the overall responsibility for the development and revision of the conservation plan;
provide for an inventory of the nongame fish and wildlife, and such other fish and wildlife as the designated State agency deems appropriate, that are within the State and are valued for ecological, educational, esthetic, cultural, recreational, economic, or scientific benefits by the public;
with respect to those species identified under paragraph (2) (hereinafter in this section referred to as “plan species”), provide for—
identify the significant problems which may adversely affect the plan species and their significant habitats;
determine those actions which should be taken to conserve the plan species and their significant habitats;
provide for the monitoring, on a regular basis, of the plan species and the effectiveness of the conservation actions determined under paragraph (5);
ensure that the public be given opportunity to make its views known and considered during the development, revision, and implementation of the plan; and
provide that the designated State agency consult, as appropriate, with Federal agencies, and other State agencies during the development, revision, and implementation of the plan, in order to minimize duplication of efforts and to ensure that the best information is available to all such agencies.