§ 441a. Boundaries
The areas to be included in said Badlands National Park are situated in the State of South Dakota and lie within the boundaries particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner section
13, township 3 south, range 18 east, Black Hills meridian; thence west one-fourth mile; thence south one mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence west one mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one mile; thence west one and one-fourth miles; thence north one-half mile; thence west three miles, to the northwest corner section
18, township 3 south, range 18 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west three-fourths mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west three-fourths mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence west one-half mile; thence south one-half mile; thence west one mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one and one-fourth miles; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north three-fourths mile; thence west one and one-fourth miles; thence north one-half mile, to the northeast corner section
2, township 3 south, range 16 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence west one-half mile; thence north one mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-half mile; thence west three-fourths mile; thence north one-half mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north two miles; thence west eight miles; thence south one-half mile; thence west one mile; thence north one-half mile, to the northeast corner section
13, township 2 south, range 14 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence west one mile; thence south one mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-half mile; thence west one-half mile; thence south two and one-half miles; thence east one and one-fourth miles; thence south one mile; thence east three-fourths mile, to the northeast corner section
7, township 3 south, range 15 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-half mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence west one mile; thence south one and three-fourths miles; thence east one mile; thence north three-fourths mile; thence east two miles; thence north one-half mile; thence east three-fourths mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile; thence north three-fourths mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north three-fourths mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence north one-half mile; thence east one mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one and three-fourths miles; thence north one-half mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-half mile, to the northwest corner section
31, township 2 south, range 16 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence east one-half mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one and three-fourths miles; thence south three-fourths mile; thence east three-fourths mile; thence south three-fourths mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one and one-fourth miles; thence east three-fourths mile; thence north one-half mile; thence east one-fourth mile, to the northeast corner section
19, township 3 south, range 17 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence north one-half mile; thence east three-fourths mile; thence south two miles; thence east one and one-half miles; thence north one and one-half miles; thence east two miles; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile, to the northeast corner section
30, township 3 south, range 18 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence south three-fourths mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east one-half mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence east one and one-fourth miles; thence south one-fourth mile; thence east three miles, to the northeast corner of section
36, township 3 south, range 18 east, Black Hills meridian.
Thence north one mile; thence east one mile; thence north one-half mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one and one-fourth miles; thence west one-half mile to the point of beginning.