§ 794. Energy conservation study
Study of conservation methods
The Federal Energy Administrator shall conduct a study on potential methods of energy conservation and, not later than six months after June 22, 1974, shall submit to Congress a report on the results of such study. The study shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
the energy conservation potential of restricting exports of fuels or energy-intensive products, or goods, including an analysis of balance-of-payments and foreign relations implications of any such restrictions;
alternative requirements, incentives, or disincentives for increasing industrial recycling and resource recovery in order to reduce energy demand, including the economic costs and fuel consumption tradeoff which may be associated with such recycling and resource recovery in lieu of transportation and use of virgin materials; and
Emergency mass transportation assistance plan
Within ninety days of June 22, 1974, the Secretary of Transportation, after consultation with the Federal Energy Administrator, shall submit to the Congress for appropriate action an “Emergency Mass Transportation Assistance Plan” for the purpose of conserving energy by expanding and improving public mass transportation systems and encouraging increased ridership as alternatives to automobile travel.
Recommendations in plan
Such plan shall include, but shall not be limited to—
recommendations for emergency temporary grants to assist States and local public bodies and agencies thereof in the payment of operating expenses incurred in connection with the provision of expanded mass transportation service in urban areas;
recommendations for additional emergency assistance for the purchase of buses and rolling stock for fixed rail, including the feasibility of accelerating the timetable for such assistance under section
(a)(2) of title
23 for the purpose of providing additional capacity for and encouraging increased use of public mass transportation systems;
recommendations for a program of demonstration projects to determine the feasibility of fare-free and low-fare urban mass transportation systems, including reduced rates for elderly and handicapped persons during nonpeak hours of transportation;