§ 322. Boards of inquiry

(a) Boards of inquiry shall be convened at such places as the Secretary may prescribe to receive evidence and make findings and recommendations whether an officer who is required to show cause for retention under section 321 of this title should be retained on active duty.
(b) A fair and impartial hearing before a board of inquiry shall be given to each officer so required to show cause for retention.
(c) If a board of inquiry determines that the officer has failed to establish that he should be retained, it shall send the record of its proceedings to a board of review.
(d) If a board of inquiry determines that the officer has established that he should be retained, his case is closed. However, at any time after one year from the date of the determination in a case arising under clause (1) of section 321 of this title, and at any time after the date of the determination in a case arising under clause (2) of that section, an officer may again be required to show cause for retention.