§ 149. Assistance to foreign governments and maritime authorities

(a) Detail of Members to Assist Foreign Governments.— The President may upon application from the foreign governments concerned, and whenever in his discretion the public interests render such a course advisable, detail members of the Coast Guard to assist foreign governments in matters concerning which the Coast Guard may be of assistance. Members so detailed may accept, from the government to which detailed, offices and such compensation and emoluments thereunder appertaining as may be first approved by the Secretary. While so detailed such members shall receive, in addition to the compensation and emoluments allowed them by such governments, the pay and allowances to which they are entitled in the Coast Guard and shall be allowed the same credit for longevity, retirement, and for all other purposes that they would receive if they were serving with the Coast Guard.
(b) Technical Assistance to Foreign Maritime Authorities.— The Commandant, in coordination with the Secretary of State, may provide, in conjunction with regular Coast Guard operations, technical assistance (including law enforcement and maritime safety and security training) to foreign navies, coast guards, and other maritime authorities.