§ 1848a. Limitation on rulemaking, prudential, supervisory, and enforcement authority of the Board
Limitation on direct action
The Board may not prescribe regulations, issue or seek entry of orders, impose restraints, restrictions, guidelines, requirements, safeguards, or standards, or otherwise take any action under or pursuant to any provision of this chapter or section
1818 of this title against or with respect to a functionally regulated subsidiary of a bank holding company unless—
Limitation on indirect action
The Board may not prescribe regulations, issue or seek entry of orders, impose restraints, restrictions, guidelines, requirements, safeguards, or standards, or otherwise take any action under or pursuant to any provision of this chapter or section
1818 of this title against or with respect to a bank holding company that requires the bank holding company to require a functionally regulated subsidiary of the holding company to engage, or to refrain from engaging, in any conduct or activities unless the Board could take such action directly against or with respect to the functionally regulated subsidiary in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.
Actions specifically authorized
Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b) of this section, the Board may take action under this chapter or section
1818 of this title to enforce compliance by a functionally regulated subsidiary of a bank holding company with any Federal law that the Board has specific jurisdiction to enforce against such subsidiary.