[§ 3504. Repealed.]
Section, acts Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 200; Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85–861, § 1(83),
72 Stat. 1481, authorized the President to order any retired member of the Regular Army to active duty and assign him duties considered necessary in the interests of national defense and provided that, when ordered to active duty, a retired commissioned officer of the Army any part of whose service was in the Corps of Engineers be eligible to fill any position required by law to be filled by a commissioned officer of the Corps of Engineers and that any officer who served four years as Chief of the Medical Service Corps, any officer who served two and one-half years as Chief of the Army Nurse Corps or as Chief or an assistant chief of the Women’s Medical Specialist Corps or the Army Medical Specialist Corps, or any officer who served two and one-half years as Director or Deputy Director of the Women’s Army Corps be ordered to active duty in his retired grade. See section
688 of this title.