§ 3252. Bonus to encourage Army personnel to refer persons for enlistment in the Army

(a) Authority To Pay Bonus.—
(1) Authority.— The Secretary of the Army may pay a bonus under this section to an individual referred to in paragraph (2) who refers to an Army recruiter a person who has not previously served in an armed force and who, after such referral, enlists in the regular component of the Army or in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve.
(2) Individuals eligible for bonus.— Subject to subsection (c), the following individuals are eligible for a referral bonus under this section:
(A) A member in the regular component of the Army.
(B) A member of the Army National Guard.
(C) A member of the Army Reserve.
(D) A member of the Army in a retired status, including a member under 60 years of age who, but for age, would be eligible for retired pay.
(E) A civilian employee of the Department of the Army.
(b) Referral.— For purposes of this section, a referral for which a bonus may be paid under subsection (a) occurs—
(1) when the individual concerned contacts an Army recruiter on behalf of a person interested in enlisting in the Army; or
(2) when a person interested in enlisting in the Army contacts the Army recruiter and informs the recruiter of the role of the individual concerned in initially recruiting the person.
(c) Certain Referrals Ineligible.—
(1) Referral of immediate family.— A member of the Army or civilian employee of the Department of the Army may not be paid a bonus under subsection (a) for the referral of an immediate family member.
(2) Members in recruiting roles.— A member of the Army or civilian employee of the Department of the Army serving in a recruiting or retention assignment, or assigned to other duties regarding which eligibility for a bonus under subsection (a) could (as determined by the Secretary) be perceived as creating a conflict of interest, may not be paid a bonus under subsection (a).
(3) Junior reserve officers’ training corps instructors.— A member of the Army detailed under subsection (c)(1) of section 2031 of this title to serve as an administrator or instructor in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program or a retired member of the Army employed as an administrator or instructor in the program under subsection (d) of such section may not be paid a bonus under subsection (a).
(d) Amount of Bonus.— The amount of the bonus payable for a referral under subsection (a) may not exceed $2,000. The amount shall be payable as provided in subsection (e).
(e) Payment.— A bonus payable for a referral of a person under subsection (a) shall be paid as follows:
(1) Not more than $1,000 shall be paid upon the commencement of basic training by the person.
(2) Not more than $1,000 shall be paid upon the completion of basic training and individual advanced training by the person.
(f) Relation to Prohibition on Bounties.— The referral bonus authorized by this section is not a bounty for purposes of section 514 (a) of this title.
(g) Coordination With Receipt of Retired Pay.— A bonus paid under this section to a member of the Army in a retired status is in addition to any compensation to which the member is entitled under this title, title 37 or 38, or any other provision of law.
(h) Duration of Authority.— A bonus may not be paid under subsection (a) with respect to any referral that occurs after December 31, 2011.