§ 2869. Conveyance of property at military installations to limit encroachment

(a) Conveyance Authorized; Consideration.—
(1) The Secretary concerned may enter into an agreement to convey real property, including any improvements thereon, described in paragraph (2) to any person who agrees, in exchange for the real property, to carry out a land acquisition, including the acquisition of all right, title, and interest or a lesser interest in real property under an agreement entered into under section 2684a of this title to limit encroachments and other constraints on military training, testing, and operations.
(2) Paragraph (1) applies with respect to real property under the jurisdiction of the Secretary concerned that—
(A) is located on a military installation that is closed or realigned under a base closure law; or
(B) is located on a military installation not covered by subparagraph (A) and is determined to be excess to the needs of the Department of Defense.
(b) Conditions on Conveyance Authority.— The fair market value of the land to be obtained by the Secretary concerned under subsection (a) in exchange for the conveyance of real property by the Secretary under such subsection shall be at least equal to the fair market value of the conveyed real property, as determined by the Secretary. If the fair market value of the land is less than the fair market value of the real property to be conveyed, the recipient of the property shall pay to the United States an amount equal to the difference in the fair market values.
(c) Limitation on Use of Conveyance Authority at Installations Closed Under Base Closure Laws.— The authority under subsection (a)(2)(A) to convey property located on a military installation may only be used to the extent the conveyance is consistent with an approved redevelopment plan for such installation.
(d) Advance Notice of Use of Authority.—
(1) Notice of the proposed use of the conveyance authority provided by subsection (a) shall be provided in such manner as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe, including publication in the Federal Register and otherwise. When real property located at a military installation is proposed for conveyance by means of a public sale, the Secretary concerned may notify prospective purchasers that consideration for the property may be provided in the manner authorized by such subsection.
(2) The Secretary concerned may not enter into an agreement under subsection (a) for the conveyance of real property until—
(A) the Secretary submits to Congress notice of the conveyance, including—
(i) a description of the real property to be conveyed by the Secretary under the agreement;
(ii) a description of the land acquisition to be carried out under the agreement in exchange for the conveyance of the property; and
(iii) the amount of any payment to be made under subsection (b) or under section 2684a (d) of this title to equalize the fair market values of the property to be conveyed and the land acquisition to be carried out under the agreement in exchange for the conveyance of the property; and
(B) the waiting period applicable to that notice under paragraph (3) expires.
(3) If the notice submitted under paragraph (2) deals with the conveyance of real property located on a military installation that is closed or realigned under a base closure law or the conveyance of real property under an agreement entered into under section 2684a of this title, the Secretary concerned may enter into the agreement under subsection (a) for the conveyance of the property after a period of 21 days has elapsed from the date of receipt of the notice or, if over sooner, a period of 14 days has elapsed from the date on which a copy of the notice is provided in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title. In the case of other real property to be conveyed under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned may enter into the agreement only after a period of 60 days has elapsed from the date of receipt of the notice or, if over sooner, a period of 45 days has elapsed from the date on which the electronic copy is provided.
(e) Deposit and Use of Funds.— The Secretary concerned shall deposit funds received under subsection (b) in the appropriation “Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Construction, Defense”. The funds deposited shall be available, in such amounts as provided in appropriation Acts, for the purpose of paying increased costs of overseas military construction and family housing construction or improvement associated with unfavorable fluctuations in currency exchange rates. The use of such funds for this purpose does not relieve the Secretary concerned from the duty to provide advance notice to Congress under section 2853 (c) of this title whenever the Secretary approves an increase in the cost of an overseas project under such section.
(f) Sunset.— The authority to enter into an agreement under this section shall expire on September 30, 2013.
(g) Description of Property.— The exact acreage and legal description of real property conveyed under subsection (a) shall be determined by surveys satisfactory to the Secretary concerned.
(h) Additional Terms and Conditions.— The Secretary concerned may require such additional terms and conditions in connection with a conveyance under subsection (a) as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.