§ 2565. Nuclear test monitoring equipment: furnishing to foreign governments
Authority To Transfer Title to or Otherwise Provide Nuclear Test Monitoring Equipment.—
Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense may—
Agreement Required.—
Nuclear test explosion monitoring equipment may be provided to a foreign government under subsection (a) only pursuant to the terms of an agreement between the United States and the foreign government receiving the equipment in which the recipient foreign government agrees—
Promptly after entering into any agreement under subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the agreement. The report shall identify the country with which the agreement was made, the anticipated costs to the United States to be incurred under the agreement, and the national interest of the United States that is furthered by the agreement.
Limitation on Delegation.—
The Secretary of Defense may delegate the authority of the Secretary to carry out this section only to the Secretary of the Air Force. Such a delegation may be redelegated.