§ 2515. Office of Technology Transition

(a) Establishment.— The Secretary of Defense shall establish within the Office of the Secretary of Defense an Office of Technology Transition.
(b) Purpose.— The purpose of the office shall be to ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that technology developed for national security purposes is integrated into the private sector of the United States in order to enhance national technology and industrial base, reinvestment, and conversion activities consistent with the objectives set forth in section 2501 (a) of this title.
(c) Duties.— The head of the office shall ensure that the office—
(1) monitors all research and development activities that are carried out by or for the military departments and Defense Agencies;
(2) identifies all such research and development activities that use technologies, or result in technological advancements, having potential nondefense commercial applications;
(3) serves as a clearinghouse for, coordinates, and otherwise actively facilitates the transition of such technologies and technological advancements from the Department of Defense to the private sector;
(4) conducts its activities in consultation and coordination with the Department of Energy and the Department of Commerce; and
(5) provides private firms with assistance to resolve problems associated with security clearances, proprietary rights, and other legal considerations involved in such a transition of technology.
(d) Biennial Report.— The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a biennial report on the activities of the Office. The report shall be submitted each even-numbered year at the same time that the budget is submitted to Congress by the President pursuant to section 1105 of title 31. The report shall contain a discussion of the accomplishments of the Office during the two fiscal years preceding the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.