§ 2493. Fisher Houses: administration as nonappropriated fund instrumentality

(a) Fisher Houses and Suites Defined.— In this section:
(1) The term “Fisher House” means a housing facility that—
(A) is located in proximity to a health care facility of the Army, the Air Force, or the Navy;
(B) is available for residential use on a temporary basis by patients of that health care facility, members of the families of such patients, and others providing the equivalent of familial support for such patients; and
(C) is constructed and donated by—
(i) the Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher Armed Services Foundation; or
(ii) another source, if the Secretary of the military department concerned designates the housing facility as a Fisher House.
(2) The term “Fisher Suite” means one or more rooms that—
(A) meet the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1);
(B) are constructed, altered, or repaired and donated by a source described in subparagraph (C) of that paragraph; and
(C) are designated by the Secretary of the military department concerned as a Fisher Suite.
(b) Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality.— The Secretary of each military department shall administer all Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites associated with health care facilities of that military department as a nonappropriated fund instrumentality of the United States.
(c) Governance.— The Secretary of each military department shall establish a system for the governance of the nonappropriated fund instrumentality required by subsection (b) for that military department.
(d) Central Fund.— The Secretary of each military department shall establish a single fund as the source of funding for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of all Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites of the nonappropriated fund instrumentality required by subsection (b) for that military department.
(e) Acceptance of Contributions; Imposition of Fees.—
(1) The Secretary of a military department may—
(A) accept money, property, and services donated for the support of a Fisher House or Fisher Suite associated with health care facilities of that military department; and
(B) may impose fees relating to the use of such Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites.
(2) All monetary donations, and the proceeds of the disposal of any other donated property, accepted by the Secretary of a military department under this subsection shall be credited to the fund established under subsection (d) for the Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites associated with health care facilities of that military department and shall be available to that Secretary to support all such Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites.
(f) Base Operating Support.— The Secretary of a military department may provide base operating support for Fisher Houses associated with health care facilities of that military department.
(g) Annual Report.— Not later than January 15 of each year, the Secretary of each military department shall submit to Congress a report describing the operation of Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites associated with health care facilities of that military department. The report shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) The amount in the fund established by that Secretary under subsection (d) as of October 1 of the previous year.
(2) The operation of the fund during the preceding fiscal year, including—
(A) all gifts, fees, and interest credited to the fund; and
(B) all disbursements from the fund.
(3) The budget for the operation of the Fisher Houses and Fisher Suites for the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.