§ 1781a. Department of Defense Military Family Readiness Council

(a) In General.— There is in the Department of Defense the Department of Defense Military Family Readiness Council (in this section referred to as the “Council”).
(b) Members.—
(1) The Council shall consist of the following members:
(A) The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, who shall serve as chair of the Council.
(B) One representative of each of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.
(C) In addition to the representatives appointed under subparagraph (B)—
(i) one representative from the Army National Guard or Air National Guard; and
(ii) one representative from the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, or Air Force Reserve.
(D) Three individuals appointed from among representatives of military family organizations, including military family organizations of families of members of the regular components and of families of members of the reserve components.
(E) The spouse of a general or flag officer.
(F) In addition to the representatives appointed under subparagraphs (B) and (C), the senior enlisted advisor, or the spouse of a senior enlisted member, from each of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.
(G) The Director of the Office of Community Support for Military Families With Special Needs.
(2) The term on the Council of the members appointed under subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E) of paragraph (1) shall be three years. Representation on the Council required by clause (i) of paragraph (1)(C) shall rotate between the Army National Guard and Air National Guard. Representation required by clause (ii) of such paragraph shall rotate among the reserve components specified in such clause.
(3) The Secretary of Defense shall appoint the members of the Council required by subparagraphs (B) through (F) of paragraph (1).
(c) Meetings.— The Council shall meet not less often than twice each year.
(d) Duties.— The duties of the Council shall include the following:
(1) To review and make recommendations to the Secretary of Defense regarding the policy and plans required under section 1781b of this title.
(2) To monitor requirements for the support of military family readiness by the Department of Defense.
(3) To evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense.
(e) Annual Reports.—
(1) Not later than February 1 each year, the Council shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense committees a report on military family readiness.
(2) Each report under this subsection shall include the following:
(A) An assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense during the preceding fiscal year in meeting the needs and requirements of military families.
(B) Recommendations on actions to be taken to improve the capability of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense to meet the needs and requirements of military families, including actions relating to the allocation of funding and other resources to and among such programs and activities.