§ 1746. Defense Acquisition University

(a) Defense Acquisition University Structure.— The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, shall establish and maintain a defense acquisition university structure to provide for—
(1) the professional educational development and training of the acquisition workforce; and
(2) research and analysis of defense acquisition policy issues from an academic perspective.
(b) Civilian Faculty Members.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may employ as many civilians as professors, instructors, and lecturers in the defense acquisition university structure as the Secretary considers necessary.
(2) The compensation of persons employed under this subsection shall be as prescribed by the Secretary.
(3) In this subsection, the term “defense acquisition university” includes the Defense Systems Management College.
(c) Curriculum Development.— The President of the Defense Acquisition University shall work with the relevant professional schools and degree-granting institutions of the Department of Defense and military departments to ensure that best practices are used in curriculum development to support acquisition workforce positions.