§ 1733. Critical acquisition positions

(a) Requirement for Corps Member.— A critical acquisition position may be filled only by a member of the Acquisition Corps.
(b) Designation of Critical Acquisition Positions.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense shall designate the acquisition positions in the Department of Defense that are critical acquisition positions. Such positions shall include the following:
(A) Any acquisition position which—
(i) in the case of employees, is required to be filled by an employee in a senior position in the National Security Personnel System, as determined in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Secretary, or in the Senior Executive Service; or
(ii) in the case of members of the armed forces, is required to be filled by a commissioned officer of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is serving in the grade of lieutenant colonel, or, in the case of the Navy, commander, or a higher grade.
(B) Other selected acquisition positions not covered by subparagraph (A), including the following:
(i) Program executive officer.
(ii) Program manager of a major defense acquisition program (as defined in section 2430 of this title) or of a significant nonmajor defense acquisition program (as defined in section 1737 (a)(3) of this title).
(iii) Deputy program manager of a major defense acquisition program.
(C) Any other acquisition position of significant responsibility in which the primary duties are supervisory or management duties.
(2) The Secretary shall periodically publish a list of the positions designated under this subsection.