§ 228. Quarterly reports on allocation of funds within operation and maintenance budget subactivities
Quarterly Report.—
The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a quarterly report on the allocation of appropriations to O&M budget activities and to the subactivities of those budget activities. Each such report shall be submitted not later than 60 days after the end of the fiscal-year quarter to which the report pertains.
Matters To Be Included.—
Each such report shall set forth the following for each subactivity of the O&M budget activities:
The amount of budget authority appropriated for that subactivity in the most recent regular Department of Defense Appropriations Act.
Identification of Certain Fluctuations.—
If, in the report under this section for a quarter of a fiscal year after the first quarter of that fiscal year, an amount shown under subsection (b) for a subactivity is different by more than $15,000,000 from the corresponding amount for that subactivity in the report for the first quarter of that fiscal year, the Secretary shall include in the report notice of that difference.
If, in the report under this section for a quarter of a fiscal year after a quarter for which the report under this section includes a notice under paragraph (1), an amount shown under subsection (b) for a subactivity is different by more than $15,000,000 from the corresponding amount for that subactivity in the most recent report that includes a notice under paragraph (1) or this paragraph, the Secretary shall include in the report notice of that difference.
Report on Fluctuations.—
If a report under this section includes a notice under subsection (c), the Secretary shall include in the report with each such notice the following:
O&M Budget Activity Defined.—In this section, the term “O&M budget activity” means a budget activity within an operation and maintenance appropriation of the Department of Defense for a fiscal year.