§ 226. Scoring of outlays

(a) Annual OMB/CBO Report.— Not later than April 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Director of the Congressional Budget Office shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Armed Services, Appropriations, and the Budget of the Senate a joint report containing an agreed resolution of all differences between—
(1) the technical assumptions to be used by the Office of Management and Budget in preparing estimates with respect to all accounts in major functional category 050 (National Defense) for the budget to be submitted to Congress in that year pursuant to section 1105 of title 31; and
(2) the technical assumptions to be used by the Congressional Budget Office in preparing estimates with respect to those accounts for that budget.
(b) Use of Averages.— If the two Directors are unable to agree upon any technical assumption, the report shall reflect the average of the relevant outlay rates or assumptions used by the two offices.
(c) Matters To Be Included.— The report with respect to a budget shall identify the following:
(1) The agreed first-year and outyear outlay rates for each account in budget function 050 (National Defense) for each fiscal year covered by the budget.
(2) The agreed amount of outlays estimated to occur from unexpended appropriations made for fiscal years before the fiscal year that begins after submission of the report.