§ 1308-4. Education program

(a) In general
The Secretary shall carry out a payment provisions education program for appropriate personnel of the Department of Agriculture and members and other personnel of county and State committees established under section 590h (b) of title 16, for the purpose of fostering more effective and uniform application of the payment limitations and restrictions established under sections 1308 through 1308–3 of this title.
(b) Training
The education program shall provide training to the personnel in the fair, accurate, and uniform application to individual farming operations of the provisions of law and regulation relating to the payment provisions of sections 1308 through 1308–3 of this title.
(c) Administration
The State office of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service shall make the initial determination concerning the application of payment limitations and restrictions established under sections 1308 through 1308–3 of this title to farm operations consisting of more than 5 persons, subject to review by the Secretary.
(d) Commodity Credit Corporation
The Secretary shall carry out the program provided under this section through the Commodity Credit Corporation.