§ 607. Terrorism prevention

(a) Law enforcement terrorism prevention program
(1) In general
The Administrator shall ensure that not less than 25 percent of the total combined funds appropriated for grants under sections 604 and 605 of this title is used for law enforcement terrorism prevention activities.
(2) Law enforcement terrorism prevention activities
Law enforcement terrorism prevention activities include—
(A) information sharing and analysis;
(B) target hardening;
(C) threat recognition;
(D) terrorist interdiction;
(E) overtime expenses consistent with a State homeland security plan, including for the provision of enhanced law enforcement operations in support of Federal agencies, including for increased border security and border crossing enforcement;
(F) establishing, enhancing, and staffing with appropriately qualified personnel State, local, and regional fusion centers that comply with the guidelines established under section 124h (i) of this title;
(G) paying salaries and benefits for personnel, including individuals employed by the grant recipient on the date of the relevant grant application, to serve as qualified intelligence analysts;
(H) any other activity permitted under the Fiscal Year 2007 Program Guidance of the Department for the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program; and
(I) any other terrorism prevention activity authorized by the Administrator.
(3) Participation of underrepresented communities in fusion centers
The Administrator shall ensure that grant funds described in paragraph (1) are used to support the participation, as appropriate, of law enforcement and other emergency response providers from rural and other underrepresented communities at risk from acts of terrorism in fusion centers.
(b) Office for State and Local Law Enforcement
(1) Establishment
There is established in the Policy Directorate of the Department an Office for State and Local Law Enforcement, which shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary for State and Local Law Enforcement.
(2) Qualifications
The Assistant Secretary for State and Local Law Enforcement shall have an appropriate background with experience in law enforcement, intelligence, and other counterterrorism functions.
(3) Assignment of personnel
The Secretary shall assign to the Office for State and Local Law Enforcement permanent staff and, as appropriate and consistent with sections 316 (c)(2), 381, and 468 (d) of this title, other appropriate personnel detailed from other components of the Department to carry out the responsibilities under this subsection.
(4) Responsibilities
The Assistant Secretary for State and Local Law Enforcement shall—
(A) lead the coordination of Department-wide policies relating to the role of State and local law enforcement in preventing, preparing for, protecting against, and responding to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters within the United States;
(B) serve as a liaison between State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies and the Department;
(C) coordinate with the Office of Intelligence and Analysis to ensure the intelligence and information sharing requirements of State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies are being addressed;
(D) work with the Administrator to ensure that law enforcement and terrorism-focused grants to State, local, and tribal government agencies, including grants under sections 604 and 605 of this title, the Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program, and other grants administered by the Department to support fusion centers and law enforcement-oriented programs, are appropriately focused on terrorism prevention activities;
(E) coordinate with the Science and Technology Directorate, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Justice, the National Institute of Justice, law enforcement organizations, and other appropriate entities to support the development, promulgation, and updating, as necessary, of national voluntary consensus standards for training and personal protective equipment to be used in a tactical environment by law enforcement officers; and
(F) conduct, jointly with the Administrator, a study to determine the efficacy and feasibility of establishing specialized law enforcement deployment teams to assist State, local, and tribal governments in responding to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters and report on the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress.
(5) Rule of construction
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to diminish, supercede, or replace the responsibilities, authorities, or role of the Administrator.