§ 211. Establishment; Commissioner of Customs

(a) Establishment
There is established in the Department the United States Customs Service, under the authority of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, which shall be vested with those functions including, but not limited to those set forth in section 215 (7) of this title, and the personnel, assets, and liabilities attributable to those functions.
(b) Commissioner of Customs
(1) In general
There shall be at the head of the Customs Service a Commissioner of Customs, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(2) Omitted
(3) Continuation in office
The individual serving as the Commissioner of Customs on the day before the effective date of this chapter may serve as the Commissioner of Customs on and after such effective date until a Commissioner of Customs is appointed under paragraph (1).